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But wait, there's more! As a token of our gratitude for being a loyal fan of Loyd Have Mercy, we want to show our appreciation by gifting you $10! Yes, you read that right. You can indulge in our world-famous fried chicken, flavorful Oxtails, savory BBQ Meat Loaf, succulent smothered pork chops, or tantalizing BBQ specials available every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Use your $10 gift toward any online purchase, whether you prefer to dine in, take out, enjoy our convenient delivery service, cater a special event, or even support a fundraising cause.

Kindly note that this free $20 gift offer is exclusively available for first-time subscribers. We kindly ask for up to 72 hours to deliver the welcome offer to your inbox or through text messages. To unlock these incredible benefits, fill out the form below and join the Loyd Have Mercy eClub. Prepare yourself for a world of delectable delights and irresistible savings. Don't miss out; sign up today!